Smooth Traffic Fuzhou APP’s official launch
Release date: 2017-07-03 02:23:52
At 7pm on 25th March 2017, Fuzhou 876 Traffic held the official launch for Smooth Traffic APP. This was held concurrently with the 15th year celebratory dinner for the company, at Cang Shan Wan Da Mall.
Now is the age of mobile internet due to rapid advancement in mobile technology. Smooth Traffic Fuzhou APP is a collaboration between Fuzhou FM87.6 Radio and New Doone Science & Technology Co. Ltd. The main focus is to provide wide and extensive coverage for sea, land and sky through ‘one channel’, ‘one app’ and ‘one platform’. It is a huge transmission and collection window for information exchange in the city.
Smooth Traffic Fuzhou APP
New Doone Science & Technology Co. Ltd. ‘s Assistant Manager Zhuo Rong gave a comprehensive explanation on the application of Smooth Traffic Fuzhou APP. The application is consolidation of various services – it aims to provide radio channels, valuation of vehicles, booking of appointment for annual car servicing, road traffic live status as well as road safety and information exchange services.
New Doone Assistant Manager Zhuo Rong
Smart Transportation is an integral and modern form of transportation development. The launch of Smooth Traffic Fuzhou App is an essential step to be of greater service to citizens, and is a vital aid in making Fuzhou a smart city.
Ceremonial launch of Smooth Traffic Fuzhou App
Ceremonial launch of Smooth Traffic Fuzhou App
Ceremonial launch of Smooth Traffic Fuzhou App